Sock Wars update
Hallelujah. My assassin's assassin's assassin's assassin's assassin's assassin's assassin emailed me to let me know that I'm dying. Funny, I feel just fine. But thank god - do you know how much knitting I need to get done? My last victim is sending me sock yarn - the socks she was (were?) working on had a fatal accident and won't do, so I was going to start my third damn pair from scratch. It's getting cold here and I'm hatless and have only a small selection of scarves to choose from. And mittens? Gloves? I need to get knitting for myself! So bring it on Cupdeville - gimme those Socks of Death. It's nice to know that I made it to the top 20% - more than 600 people went down before me. How many more would I have taken out if there were fewer deserters?
Socks of Death sent to Dr. Purl:

(don't they look like a computer screen circa 1972?)
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