Stark reality
I've come to think of the 2-year mark as the time after a move when life starts to settle down. I've now been in New Jersey for exactly 2 years and 3 months, and I have to say that I'd thought I was ahead of schedule. I had a very good local friend, thanks to the wonders of coincidence in housing; my best friend from high school was living an hour south of me, again purely by coincidence and Air Force job placement; my best friend from college was living an hour north of me. It was a tentative triangle, not the full cohort of people I'd eventually like to find, but it was a damn good start.
Then last night it all came crashing down on me: the high school friend sent a postcard telling me of her new address in Maryland. The college friend has had to return right-quick to Michigan. The local friend is moving to CA next month. Within one month, all of my girlfriends will have shot off in their distant directions. More than two years into this adventure we call "Close to things" (the unofficial NJ state motto) I suddenly find that I'm back at square one.
Brant and I were recently discussing the types of friends everyone should have in their life, and the list went something like this: medical professional, lawyer, contractor/plumber/electrician, librarian, artist, and I forget who else. Yes, I realize that I'm pretty much useless with regard to the list, though Brant (who fulfills two of the items) reassured me by saying that I "know people". Let us say I wasn't very reassured.
So since it's all in the idealistic world right now, here's a list of characteristics I'd like to find in a human being who would not only be this amazing person, but also deign to enjoy my company. If you or anyone you know fulfills some or all of these traits, please apply in person at McCormack's pub, any Monday evening in October.
- Lives within 10 miles of my house.
- Likes to knit, or at least admires yarn.
- Likes to hike and will keep me to the goal of hiking every weekend.
- Is well-read and has a lovely collection of books to share.
- Has a dog, had a dog, or wants to someday have a dog.
In knitting news: Brant's gloves have 3 fingers and I've lost the yarn and can't start the second one. Mom's gift is half-way done, but I've lost half of the other half which I knit last week. The cabled skirt has been duly forgotten for long enough that I'm ready to pick it up again (even though I'm pretty sure it's going to be too big). The beautiful autumny sock yarn I bought in Vermont needs smaller needles (but oh do I want to get started on that - Brant helped pick out the colors and I'm so pleased with how it knits up), and the secret secret project that shall not be discussed for fear of the recipient learning about it hasn't been started because I can't find the right stinking needles. As you can tell, trip to Princeton yarn shops and a thorough cleaning of the house are in order for the weekend.
Well if old friends are any comfort, rumor has it that SGU has lost its largest california clinical center so I may be heading to Jersey yet.. When you get here in not a few but not so so many weeks, we can sit on my lovely Carribean porch and look at the clinical sites and you can help me decide where I can place myself to be close to you and my meager cadre of NJ friends and family. Of course that will be in May of 2008. But I hear you. Now that it is midterms and people are settling down with their "serious" study buddies, I feel shut out. Oh well. Andmaybe you don't want me around I do have that annoying habbit of crocheting (and nobody in their right mind thinks that is cool.. :-) )
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