Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Why I don't recommend Air Jamaica, part II

1) Despite reassurances that our luggage would arrive "tomorrow" the delivery date remains ambiguous (4 days later and it's still sitting in Grenada).
2) The phone number I was given to call about my luggage was a) incorrect and b) useless as the office (once I had the correct #) is only open during the week.
3) The website devoted to tracking delayed/lost luggage doesn't work.
4) Employees of Air Jamaica really, really don't like to look up status on lost luggage. Two employees feigned ignorance of the possibility until I informed them that there is a stinking website where I could do it myself (if the website worked).
5) I leave town again in 10 days - will I have any luggage to travel with?

In the intermin, please enjoy the photos that Sa has been posting.


At 12:43 PM, November 10, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.


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