Thanks for all the shawl comments/emails. I'm still undecided, but the suggestions and thoughts have definitely broadened my thinking.
Socken it to the Family continues, though I am running into second sock syndrome (or rather, third and fourth sock syndrome). I have one of each done, the leg of the blue one is finished, and now the push is on to finish the tan one (parents will be in town next month, might as well hand them off in person).

(flowers from my darling on our anniversary)
But I have to admit to distractions. I've been spending a little time on this (not for me):

(note the hints of the knitting bag I acquired through Lula Ballou at Etsy.com)
And a bit of time on this (also not for me):

And then today I decided to have a bigger impact on the universe. If forgetting an umbrella on a cloudy day can guarantee rain, then surely starting a super warm pair of mittens will force the weather to turn for the better, right? Despite the scarily warm weather we had at the beginning of the winter, February and March have been bitter. I walk to the train each morning, and my eternal optimism of short, mild winters has resulted in my wearing these despite the bitter cold.

Although quite fetching they aren't the warmest. I keep putting off starting a warmer pair because I'm sure it will warm up tomorrow. But last week as I hustled to the train, I stopped off at the bagel shop to learn that the weather was -4F with windchill that morning.
Let us all stop and appreciate for a moment the discomfort of -4F wind during a ten minute walk.

I started these this morning after a minimum of measuring and calculating. I'm making it up as I go, adding rows and stitches to account for shrinkage during the felting process.
Go ahead and place your bets whether or not they fit when I'm done. You'll be able to tell by the weather report. Sunny and 50F? Fit like a dream. Cloudy, windy and 10F? Yep, knitting snafu.
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