Socken it to the family
In place of holiday letters this year, I sent New Year's sock forms. Members of my family were encouraged, in the most knitterly way possible, to send me their shoe size and color preferences to be entered into a lottery for some hand knit socks. If everyone responds there will be far too many feet for my two little hands, but I'm already enjoying the interaction this has created - receiving the return letters in the mail, looking for patterns and yarn that suit individuals who are so far away and who I see so rarely.
I'm off to a slow start.
socks for the family

(KnitPicks Shimmer (Alpaca/Silk) in "Morning Mist" for one cousin and Stork (Cotton) "color #30" for one parent)
err...socks for me

(two color socks finished, orange socks using Jitterbug yarn given me by Cathy)
I'll add my progress to the sidebar. Now back to knitting - must go to work tomorrow, which really cuts into knitting time.
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