Taking stock
Fresh from California, with more yarn than I know what to do with. I visited Imagiknit in San Francisco and was very impressed with their organization - one room was 50%+ wool, one room was -50% wool. Within each room the yarn wrapped along the wall from thickest to thinnest. Nice. I kept it under control, purchasing the yarn for my next sweater project and sock yarn for Dad's Christmas socks.
Oh yea, and we hiked through Muir Woods, ate great food, saw Anselm Kiefer at SFMOMA

(Cathy, Brant, and brother Ryan on the trail)
Then it was off to Sacramento for Brant's paramedic exam (before you ask - yes, he passed). While he spent the day toiling through a practical, I slept in, knit, and explored the city. Found Rumpelstiltkin's yarn shop (they have the best web address). Not too spendy here, either. I put down the gorgeous yarn for yet another scarf (how many does one person need??) and instead bought green and brown for a friend's baby-on-the-way and a bit more sock yarn.
Home again and unpacked, I decided some organization was in order. This is what I've bagged up to donate/find another home for:

So I'm left with only this much yarn in my "stash":

Except for this. We don't talk about this box. Therefore it doesn't really exist.

But plans are in the works for socks! More soon...
Labels: san francisco, vacation
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