The cost of being not that kind of knitter
This lovely sock:

Fits more like an ankle brace than like a sock.

I know I said I'm not that kind of knitter, but I'm not stupid either. The Jaywalker pattern is notorious for being too tight for most people, so twice - TWICE - while I was knitting the leg I slipped the stitches onto spare yarn and tried it on. It was snug going over the heel, and I'd have like a bit more ease, but it fit well enough. Going up a size would have made it far too loose. But alas, the finished sock is snug snug snug. I'll give it a bath and see if it loosens up, otherwise this is going to the bottom of the queue, only to get a mate if I decide to gift it to someone with smaller feet. I know some people would rip it out and start over, but I'd rather give it away. I'm just not that kind of knitter.
In other news, BabyMan and Carolyn and I are planning to go see the Yarn Harlot in New York today. This will be my first foray into the city without a second adult (though it's kind of cheating as I'm meeting two adults in Penn Station). BabyMan is quite the challenge when he doesn't want to sit still - I think Jujitsu instructors could learn a thing or two about breaking free from their opponent from this kid.
I say we're planning, because there are several "ifs" in the air. If the weather holds...if BabyMan's cold doesn't get worse as the day goes on....if work doesn't hold me up...(ETA: if it doesn't turn out we had the date wrong!!)
Fingers crossed. We're even dressed for the event.

So sorry about messing up the Yarn Harlot - we'll catch her next time.
Hey, I've found a couple yarn stores in the city - maybe some time we can do some stash shopping and get lunch, now that the weather is warming up?
Love the last photo, the mom and son socks that almost match! Too cute! Does he notice the similarities?
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